Submit a complaint

Submit your complaint to us online, by phone, letter or email.

We can’t help consumers who live outside Northern Ireland, unless it's about a flight that departed from or arrived into Northern Ireland.

Before you submit a complaint to us, you should have:

  • logged a formal complaint with the company
  • worked with the company to resolve the complaint
  • either received a response from the company that you are unhappy with, or not received a response within their agreed timeframe
  • gathered evidence such as letters or emails about the complaint

If you've done this, you can contact us and we'll do what we can to help. You can call us on 0800 121 6022 Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm, or use the form below to make a complaint to us.

Our Privacy Policy explains how we use your personal data.

What is your complaint about?

What is your complaint about?

More about your complaint

Do you live in Northern Ireland?

Unfortunately we can't help you with this issue

We operate in Northern Ireland so if you live somewhere else, you’ll need to contact a complaint handler in your area.

Did your flight depart from or arrive into an airport in Northern Ireland?
Did your ferry depart from or arrive into a port in Northern Ireland?

Unfortunately we can't help you with this issue

We can only help with your complaint if your flight departs from, or arrives at an airport in Northern Ireland. You should contact your airline directly in the first instance and if you are unhappy with the response or don’t receive a response, we recommend that you look on the Civil Aviation Authority website for a list of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) organisations. 

Unfortunately we can't help you with this issue

We can only help if your ferry departs from or arrives at a port in Northern Ireland. You should contact the ferry company directly to raise a complaint. If you are unhappy with the response, you can contact ABTA if your ferry departs from or arrives at a port in the UK, or the National Transport Authority if you ferry departs from or arrives at a port in the Republic of Ireland. 

Help with Parking Charge Notices

Read our guidance on what to do if you receive a Parking Charge Notice here. If you have need extra help, for example if you are a blue badge holder, please contact us directly by calling 0800 121 6022 Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm, or email including a copy of the PCN letter and information about your query. 

Unfortunately we can't help you with this issue

We can only help consumers in Northern Ireland. You should contact the transport provider directly to raise a complaint. If you are unhappy with the response, you can contact the local consumer advice body in your area for more information on who to escalate the matter to.

Unfortunately we can't help you with this issue

We can only help consumers in Northern Ireland. You should contact your energy provider directly to make a complaint. If you are unhappy with the response, and live in Great Britain, you can escalate the matter to the Energy Ombudsman. If you live in the Republic of Ireland, you can escalate the matter to the Commission for Regulation of Utilities.

Unfortunately we can't help you with this issue

We can only help consumers in Northern Ireland. You should contact your energy provider in the first instance to make a complaint. If you are unhappy with the response and live in Great Britain, you can escalate the matter to the Energy Ombudsman. If you live in the Republic of Ireland, you can escalate the matter to the Commission for Regulation of Utilities.

Unfortunately we can't help you with this issue

We can only help consumers in Northern Ireland. You should contact your water provider in the first instance to make a complaint. If you are unhappy with the response and live in Great Britain, you can escalate the matter to the Consumer Council for Water. If you live in the Republic of Ireland, you can escalate the matter to the Commission for Regulation of Utilities.

Unfortunately we can't help you with this issue

We can only help consumers in Northern Ireland. You should contact your postal operator in the first instance to make a complaint. If you are unhappy with the response and live in Great Britain, you can escalate the matter to your local Citizen’s Advice. If you live in the Republic of Ireland, you can escalate the matter to the Commission for Communications Regulation.

Your complaint

Have you raised a complaint with the company and given them time to respond within their standard response time?

Unfortunately we can't help you at this stage

We are a second stage complaint handling organisation which means we can only help with your complaint if you have contacted the company first and allowed them enough time to respond.

About your complaint

Air Complaint

Enter the full year of your complaint - for example, 2024 not 24
Complaint issue
Please provide names of all passengers who were traveling

Travel Complaint

What is your complaint about?

Electricty/Gas Complaint

Who is your electricity provider?
Who is your gas provider?
What is your complaint about?

Water complaint

What is your complaint about?

Postal complaint

What is your complaint about
Enter the full year - for example, 2024 not 24

In the box below, tell us what went wrong and include any information that you think we need to know.

This should include:

  • Details about the specific problem or issue that you have
  • Any steps taken to resolve the problem
  • Information on how and when you have contacted the company to raise the issue
  • Information on what the company has done to address and resolve the matter

Please do not include private information such as your bank account, sort code or account number.

We will acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days and will email you if we require any additional information to assist us with our investigations.

Your Details

What is your preferred contact method?

Contact methods

Do you need any extra support when we contact you? For example, larger font size?