Consultation responses

In our consultation responses, we use evidence-based insights to promote and safeguard the interests of consumers in Northern Ireland, advocating on their behalf.

View our consultation responses below.

Our recent insights

Q4 2023 - Northern Ireland Household Expenditure Tracker

The Northern Ireland Household Expenditure Tracker showing data from October to December 2023.

Consumer views on water

A research project regarding the following: consumer views of NI Water; consumer perspectives on NI Water policy priorities; and consumer attitudes to environmental and climate change issues relating to water and sewerage services.

Electric Vehicles Consumer Research - Full Report

Research using surveys and interviews to consider the public electric vehicle charging infrastructure in Northern Ireland and of those thinking of switching from a petrol or diesel vehicle to electric.

107 research reports available

Consumer friendly report: Impact of Digitalisation on Northern Ireland consumers

We commissioned research to explore the speed of digitalisation and the reliance consumers have on technology. This report also looks at how this is impacting Northern Ireland consumers now and how it will impact them in the future.

This consumer friendly report lays out the key findings and final recommendations.

Impact of Digitalisation on Northern Ireland consumers

We commissioned research to explore the speed of digitalisation and the reliance consumers have on technology. This report also looks at how this is impacting Northern Ireland consumers now and how it will impact them in the future.

You can also read the consumer friendly report which lays out the key findings and final recommendations.

The Northern Ireland Consumer Perspective: Early perceptions and experiences of EU Exit

The Early perceptions and experiences of EU Exit report outlines This report outlines the perceived and real impact of EU Exit on consumers across Northern Ireland. In doing so, it brings together and outlines the key findings from three independently commissioned research studies which explore the early NI consumer experience from January to March 2021.

Energy Strategy: consumer insight and awareness report


Summary document: Empowering and Protecting Energy, Transport and Water Consumers


Summary document: Barriers to transport recovery after COVID-19


Barriers to transport recovery after COVID-19


Consumer friendly report: Consumers views on energy transition

We recently carried out research to explore consumers views on energy transition using qualitative research.

This consumer friendly report lays out the key findings and final recommendations.

Aviation tax reform: Consultation


Research Report: Older Persons, Public Transport and COVID-19

Research notice

Sometimes research companies conduct research on our behalf. Read our Research notice here.