• Heat networks

    Information about heat networks and Energy Bill support schemes.

  • National Fraud Initiative

    The Consumer Council is required by law to protect the public funds it administers. It may share information provided to it with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds, in order to prevent and detect fraud.

  • Listening to your feedback

    We're always trying to make our service better. View examples of feedback that we have received from our service users and how we improved our service as a result.

  • Outreach and education

    Information about our outreach and education work across Northern Ireland.

  • EU Exit and mobile roaming

    Information on the impact EU Exit has had on Mobile data roaming charges.

  • EU Exit and postal services

    Information about the impact EU Exit will have on postal services to Northern Ireland consumers.


  • EU Exit and shopping

    How EU Exit may impact to your consumer rights when shopping or using a credit card.


  • EU Exit and travel

    Advice for Northern Ireland consumers who are travelling to Europe including the Republic of Ireland and Great Britain. 

  • MAPS Test - JS

    JS Embed

  • MAPS Test - IFrame

    Test for budget planner